How Cool A Jammer You Are

There are many cool jammers on animal jam, but not all. This quiz is to see if you yourself are amazingly cool on animal jam. If you don't have high percentage it's alright.

Are you a COOL jammer? Do you have the cool style, animal, rares and most of all... Do you have loads of animal jam buddies??? Find out in this amazing quiz, you won't regret it!!

Created by: Not telling of
(your link here more info)
  1. How much buddies do you have?
  2. How do you get rares??
  3. What sort of "videos" do you watch, animal jam themed??
  4. How much do you go on animal jam?
  5. What is your username type?
  6. Ok so far so gud, now... How much items do you have?
  7. What type of rares do you own?
  8. Do you like animsl jam?
  9. Who is your favourite famous jammer
  10. What levels do you have in adventures?

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