How Condadonian are you?

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How well do you know the Murcian Golf resort of Condado de Alhama? If you are an owner or visitor please have a go at this fun quiz to see how much of an expert you are.

Are you a genius? Do you have the brain power to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this little quiz , you will soon find out.

Created by: Don
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What is the shopping centre called?
  2. What is the burger bar called?
  3. Some of the gardens are called Los Naranjos. What does Naranjos mean in English?
  4. How many swimming pools are there on Condado de Alhama?
  5. Who built Condado de Alhama?
  6. Who designed the golf course?
  7. How many security controlled entry/exit points are there?
  8. Who runs the Spanish bar Bakao?
  9. Who are the resorts administrators?
  10. Which garden is THE BEST garden? There really is only one correct answer ;-)

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Quiz topic: How Condadonian am I?