How compatible are you with Violet Jay?

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In the original introduction to the word meme in the last chapter of 'The Selfish Gene,' I did actually use the metaphor of a 'virus.' So when anybody talks about something going viral on the Internet, that is exactly what a meme is, and it looks as though the word has been appropriated for a subset of that.

An Internet meme is a hijacking of the original idea. Instead of mutating by random change and spreading by a form of Darwinian selection, Internet memes are altered deliberately by human creativity. There is no attempt at accuracy of copying, as with genes - and as with memes in their original version.

Created by: Violet Jay
  1. Here’s an easy one!!! What nickname do I refuse the most?
  2. Do you like Anime and Art?
  3. Can I sing?
  4. Do you think I’m Violent?
  5. Who are some of my favorite people?
  6. Do you like Valorant?
  7. Do you play horror?
  8. Am I your favorite mod?
  9. Last question didn’t have effect, BUT! this one sure does!! What’s my fav anime?
  10. Last question… do you want pats???

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Quiz topic: How compatible am I with Violet Jay?
