How close are you to a mental breakdown? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How close are you to a mental breakdown?
I'm 52% which is a bit upset. I would think it be higher than that. I'm always in pain and about to cry at any moment.
nerial1 -
57% I think I'm closer than that...thankfully I usually have good self control...
What does the last question mean? BJDS;1AST Que? I'm so confused
Renee182 -
54% but by the looks of it I have them every day... O.O
71% For me... Oh goodie... -_-
Kitten091 -
61% sounds about right, unless its-... nevermind....
59% on my own quiz.............
doodle1 -
61% i'm pretty sure that's kinda self control :) i kno bad
27% thats good
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