How clever are you ?

There are mny geniuses, such as Steven Hawkins but on te other hand there are absolute idiots who do not know what 1 + 1 equals. which one are yo? Are you gifted with intellagence or are you ... something else?

From our great quiz you will find out how you really get those marks in maths and why you always get the same mark in a test. It is called 'How Clever are you ?' try it to find out.

Created by: charlotte

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Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone has just made a joke about you. Everyone then looks towards you. what do you do ?
  2. Your are given a very difficult question in maths. you are selected to answer it. what do you do ?
  3. How long does it take to do your homework in total ?
  4. you are given a calculator test paper to do for maths. the test has begun but you have forgotten your calculator. what do you do ?
  5. what grades do you usally get in maths, english and science?
  6. Which are the subjects you are best at ?
  7. Your science teacher asks you what something is on the periodic table. What do you do?
  8. what colour is your hair?
  9. Do you evr do extra work and if so what sort of grade do you get?
  10. how long does it take you to set up a computer without any mistakes?

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Quiz topic: How clever am I ?