how cheerful are you?

hiiii! yes, i decided to make a few personality quizzes. like, actual PERSONALITY quizzes, not just any quiz that doesnt have wrong options lol. like, a quiz that tests your personality. well, now its time for me to make a descriptive but somewhat awkward paragraph that half of u wont even read lol! :3

this quiz is to see how cheerful you are. are you a cheerful fun-loving sweetie who is always bright and fun? or are you the quiet one wh barely speaks?

Created by: cutebunny-quizflower
  1. what would you rather do on an average day?
  2. imagine there are 2 people fighting, what would you do?
  3. imagine there is a test coming up.
  4. how many friends do you have?
  5. how are you when you wake up usually?
  6. what are your favorite colors?
  7. do you like to wear bright colors like pink and orange and yellow and pink?
  8. what would you name a girl?
  9. do you like stuffed animals?
  10. hugs!
  11. choose a emoji subsitute!
  12. choose another emoji subsitute!
  13. your favorite animal is a.....
  14. how do you feel about rainbows?
  15. do you like online games?
  16. do you like candy, fruit, and chocolate?
  17. if you saw a sad kid sitting in a corner, you would....
  18. if you could stop time, you would.....
  19. how often do you like to hang out with your friends?
  20. are you shy?
  21. what do you do in your free time?
  22. do you prefer listening to music or singing?
  23. imagine you are in a room full of people, but everyone is quiet. the room is just dead silent. nobody is saying anything. at all. what do you do?
  24. what flavor ice cream do you like?
  25. imagine you are at a carnival, and theres a new ride! its a spinning ride. are you gonna ride it? (assuming the line isnt too long lol)
  26. do you like cutesy fantasy shows like my little pony or winx club?
  27. how are you like around large groups of people?
  28. what would you do if someone asked for directions?
  29. if you were falling for someone, what WOULD you do?
  30. how are you around friends?
  31. how are you around strangers?
  32. do you journal or write?
  33. what kind of music do you like?
  34. do you like parties?
  35. do you keep to yourself?
  36. are you book smart?
  37. do you like jokes?
  38. do you like riddles?
  39. if you found out your best friend was secretly going out with your lover, you would:
  40. you find out something horrible. you really should tell someone.
  41. you are alone with the person you love. do you confess?
  42. do you like talking to people?
  43. do you wear long sleeves in warm weather?
  44. a teacher asks you to come to the front board. what are you thinking?
  45. do you only hang out at home?
  46. around holidays, do you like festive holiday foods?
  47. do you decorate for holidays?
  48. do you get your friends presents on ther birthdays?
  49. do you like flowers, stars, hearts, and smiley faces?
  50. has anyone ever called you emotionless or robotic before?

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Quiz topic: How cheerful am I?
