How Chat Speak are you? | Comments

Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Chat Speak are you?

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  • Your Result: Oh My Gosh.

    You are so not a Chat Speak person. You don't ever use OMG, BRB, NM or any chat speak words. You have friends but they aren't your life, you spell all Chat Speak words out, and never say one. You harldy ever go on Chat Websites, and mostly spend your life doing other things.

    So in other words...i have a life.

  • Well..i don't never chat speak. i do say lol and omg from time to time. and it's true, some of the questions weren't related to the idea of the quiz. it was pretty good anyway, but you could've done better.

  • Yea I'm with nandi...but I don't really get those questions and how they related.

  • omw, nandi, ive got a life 2 and i txt and am on chat websites!!


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