How Canadian are you?

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There are many Canadians, but few Know everything. A true canadian is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a Canadian? A Canadian is someone who has an extraordinarily obsession with maple syrup, is able to Drink maple syrup, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view with syrup.

but few Know everything. A true canadian is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a Canadian? A Canadian is someone who has an extraordinarily obsession with maple syrup, is able to Drink maple syrup, and see the world through an entirely novel point of view with syrup.

Created by: nunya
  1. What is our capital?
  2. What is our natoinal animal
  3. which food was invented here?
  4. Who is our Primeminister?
  5. Maple Syrup?
  6. Coffee?
  7. How many provinces AND territories are there combined?
  8. What is the largest Province?
  9. When is Canada Day?
  10. What meme came from canada?
  11. What meme came from canada?
  12. What meme came from canada?

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Quiz topic: How Canadian am I?