How Californian are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Californian are you?
Haha, got "From Another State" even though I was born and raised in Cali. I'm from Northern Cali and know what hyphy means but would never use it.
I agree with blahblah2423 though. Generalizing all Californians as having an illegal as a friend is really offensive.
Vanessia1 -
yes cali is sunny all the time yes all my cali friends (and me )are rich no most Californians dont use elementary school slang, let me ask ONE question has the creator of this quiz ever been to cali?
Dude. You realize that far more people live in southern california than northern right? You cannot say that I am not from California because I dont use lame ass phrases like "hella" and "hyphy" without wanting to puke!
furbe952 -
100%. Wow I sound like some bimbo or whatever...ahahaha. In reality, I hate sunlight and I wish I lived where there was less of it...and I'm not athletic or anything. Basically not your steryotype. Just because I know phrases like hella and hyphy...
xxdarkxx1 -
I was born in S. California, but that does not mean
I use slang terms, or that I cannot speak proper
english. This quiz was not true to color. It cannot detect anything ..
snow731 -
Hmm, yet again an are you from SOUTH california quiz. It amuses me that people don't realize how culturally polar we (as Californians) can be simply due to location.
I was born in California but I am an elementary school kid and it is saying I am from another state. These quizes are not true or real. One of the quizes on this thinks I will die at 96!
minumas1 -
What!? The question that says if you have a illegal friend is really stereotypical and offensive for Californians. NOT EVERYONE HERE IS AN ILLEGAL IMMIGRANT FROM MEXICO.
WTF.Im from the ghetto of LA.California is the best state in this world.How can i not be Californian?
SUCKS about the question of illegal people. >:(
Aly1 -
like totally awesome quiz dude! but i dont use the phrases hella or hyphy. what doe that mean anyways? im not from what they call the "ghetto"p.s im from santa cruz
Cali1001 -
Never been to California ,NEVER BEEN TO CALIFORNIA .WAT??!!I live in California and have for all my,dude,this is so inaccurate.
Awesome31 -
wtf i got from a different state! YOU excpect all californians (like me) to be same! i've only went on a trip to lasvegas and korea only ONCE jesus christ do you even live or know anything in california?
wtf i got from a different state! YOU excpect all californians (like me) to be same! i've only went on a trip to lasvegas and korea only ONCE jesus christ do you even live or know anything in california?
it said I definately don't live in California. No, I just have lived here my whole life!
wow,i answered 1 question and got 100%
IKNOW WHAT HYPHY MEANS NOW!!!I'm just not from the North...
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