How cake are you?

"A man may sell his soul for many things; but for cake?". Thus spoke Sir Thomas More when on trial for his life, and that alone shows you that CAKE MATTERS.`

So how about you? Are you a cakeologist of the highest order? Could you be a CaD (Doctor of Cakeology) without even realising it? Well it's time to find out!

Created by: Paul

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. Do you like cake?
  2. Do you REALLY like cake?
  3. How much do you like cake?
  4. If I were to give you a cake now, would you eat it?
  5. What would you do once you ate it?
  6. How many cakes (on average) do you eat per week?
  7. Who is your favourite German historical figure?
  8. Who is your favourite French historical figure
  9. Did Richard III really call out "A cake! A cake! My kingdom for a cake!"
  10. Is all this talk about cakes making you fancy one RIGHT NOW???

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Quiz topic: How cake am I?