How Bryn Athyn Are You | Comments

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  • "12. Of the following, which schools did ANC NEVER play against in any male or female sport?"

    This answer is incorrect. ANC never play any sports against Beaver/Acadia it is a college and the Bryn Athyn College or ANCC and it was formily called played against as them and is seperate from the high school. While at school I ran cross country and we ran against Cheltenham also the Lacrosse has played them. Also "good and truth" are NOT a Swedenborgian term they where just answers you always put down in relgion class when you did not know the real answer

  • well I was born and raised there, moved away as a ministers wife and eventually got divorced...ohmigod! ! and eventually came to see that I really do not believe alot of what they teach...its a great place to live as a kid...friends and family and cousins all over the place...and fun times to be had in a relatively safe community.

  • The quiz should have given more options that were less NC so that one wouldn't seem so NC. The fact that I got 36% and I do not practice or call this my religion and haven't ever confirms my answer that "your damn right it is a cult"!

    long gone
  • The governing body of the Bryn Athyn Society is the Bryn Athyn Society.

  • Great! I'm not even a Gyllenhaal and I got 57%.


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