How Brownwood are you?

This quiz will test your knowledge of Brownwood and things having to do with Brownwood. The questions aren't hard if you've lived in Brownwood for any length of time. Do your best!

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Created by: Brownwood Examiner
  1. Liquor used to not be able to be sold in south Brownwood
  2. This former Brownwood football coach was known as 'king of the second round.'
  3. At one time Brownwood residents traveled to Coleman to watch explicit films at a drive in p---ographic theater.
  4. Brownwood has won ___ state championships in football.
  5. This street actually exists:
  6. The traffic T replaced what?
  7. The original 3 anchor stores in Heartland Mall were:
  8. Which of the following celebrities attended Brownwood High?
  9. Brownwood's population is:
  10. This street has two bridges over creeks and can be used as an alternative to Austin Avenue:
  11. The Dairy Maid was on which street?
  12. Morris Southhall was:
  13. Lake Brownwood was built:
  14. A F-5 tornado has hit Brownwood

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Quiz topic: How Brownwood am I?