How Bored Are You?

Hi, I'm bored, so I'm making this quiz to stop boredom and to level up. Let's see if it works. Oh, and guess what? I just yawned. I'm tired. I want water, but I don't wanna leave my room.

I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie I like pie

Created by: amazon
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What are you doing right now?
  2. Why are you taking this quiz?
  3. I'm bored.
  4. I'm so bored, that I'll tell you about my blister. I have a largish blister on my right pinkie toe and it hurts to wear shoes, but my dad likes to go walking. You can imagine the pain my foot is in.
  5. Is your hand touching some part of your face right now?
  6. Where is your elbow?
  8. Do you think you're bored?
  9. Okay then. This is the last question. Did you enjoy this temporary boredom buster?
  10. I'm playing with the blister. o.e

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Quiz topic: How Bored am I?