how bored are u really right now?

So your bored?! Take this quiz to see how bored you really are! This is the ultimate bordem quiz!!!! If have the patience and enough bordem to answer these then you are truly bored!

If you are super bored then you should take this quiz!!! Some of these questions are the most commonly asked questions in quiz history! You've most likly answered them before! Will you answer them one more time just out of bordem?

Created by: maggistitch
  1. How bored are u right now?
  2. Favorite color out of thease
  3. Pick one!!!!
  4. Do u hate this quiz already?
  5. What are u doing right now?
  6. Favorite number out of these
  7. Pick one!!!!
  8. Hate this quiz yet?(Your really gonna hate it by question number 36 at least)
  9. Do u think u will take this entire quiz?
  10. Are u nice and trusting enough to let a homeless person stay at your house?
  11. Ok, so do u hate this quiz?
  12. Word that describes u best!
  13. Pick one!!!
  14. Do u want to survive in 2012?
  15. Do u think the world is really gonna end in 2012?
  16. What are u now? Bored or annoyed?
  17. Yes or no?
  18. Pick one
  19. 30 more questions!!!! And no I'm not kidding!!!
  20. What's your favorite thing?
  21. do u have a gf or bf?
  22. Family guy,simpsons or south park?
  23. Criminal minds or ncis?
  24. Stewie or peter?
  25. Hate or love?
  26. Tattoos?
  27. Dogs or cats?
  28. Smoke?
  29. 20 more questions!!!
  30. Hahaha just kidding

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