How Bootiful Are You

Are you wondering how 'Bootiful' you are. Well this is the test for you. This quiz will ask you 12 questions that will end in a percentage and level of how Bootiful you are.

Remember this is just a fun joke. No matter what score you get it means nothing in the real world. But if your bored and want to take a fun quiz. This is for you!

Created by: Diamond Boy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What Religion Do You Believe In
  2. Favorite Thing in Life
  3. Favorite Female
  4. Complete the Sentence - All I Want For My Birthday Is A ...
  5. How 'Fabulous Are You'
  6. Favorite Genre of Music
  7. Complete the Sentence: I like .... and I cannot lie
  8. How pretty are you (Do the How pretty am I Test) Does not credit to test mark
  9. What do you squat (Kilograms)
  10. Final Question. Are you ready to find out if you are Bootiful?

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Quiz topic: How Bootiful am I