How Bogan Are You?

Yeh g'day there. This here quiz'll help ya to get in touch with yer inner bogan. With a bitta luck, y'just might do okay. Ya don't have to be an Aussie to check it out but it'd probly help. A bogan is like a chav, westie, redneck...

Are YOU a bogan? Do you have the bogan qualities to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now mate you could only wonder. But thanks to this here quiz, in a bit you'll find out. Cheers.

Created by: Hutchy
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Have you ever had a mullet?
  2. Your dream car...
  3. Sofas belong...
  4. Your wardrobe consists of...
  5. The hairstyle you see as most acceptable is...?
  6. What's your poison?
  7. Righto, it's karaoke night at the local RSL and you've already had your fun at the pokies - time out. Your song is...
  8. Centrelink is...
  9. If you have kids (let's just say a boy and a girl), you'll call 'em...
  10. Your favourite pastime is...

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