How Blonde are You

Some people would say that there blonde but are they "Blonde?" figure it out in just a few minutes!!!!!!!!!!!Please enjoy the quiz I spent a while on it so I hope it helps you!!!

Are you a true blonde??? Think are you random???? Oh wait the true blondes cant answer that sorry!!!!!!!!! I hope that you like this. pleeease enjoy:}

Created by: bobert
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Your friend makes a sarcastic remark like "Ohh wow this dog is sooo pretty." how so you respond?
  2. Have you ever been called "blonde" by one of your friends?
  3. At school were or a you currently voted "Most Likly to Fall Down the Stairs??"
  4. Would your friends consider you reandom??
  5. What color hair do you have? (original color)
  6. What school level are you in???
  7. How would you consider your grades??
  8. Do you have glasses? (non-reading)
  9. If you know that your speeding and a cop stops you do you say "What did you stop me for officer??"
  10. When somone calls you blonde what do you say???

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Quiz topic: How Blonde am I