How Black Are You? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How Black Are You?
I'm sorry, but this quiz is potentially racist. Did you read the terms and conditions before creating it?
But seriously, none of the questions can tell you if you are 'black' or not. This sucked. Do the world a favour and get a brain.
GPherd4 -
You are 32% Black!
You've got an ounce of Black in you, but that is all it is. An ounce. Better than none, I suppose. But you can do better.
I suppose that's cool because I'm around that, this quiz is kinda sterotyptical so it's not that good but still pretty okay. :)
Bambi2 -
58% woo! This is good because most of these aren't even stereotypes (which is of course what I imagined) but subtle things. It's all good. Nice.
Im just a chill guy, got 40% black. prob shoulda got more but all my friends are white and Mexican. And i honestly don'y know where my black homies at, prob ded, oh well. guess I need knew black friends. Also were is the fried chicken quesions. ima go workout and by a smithin.
Elijah h1 -
i wanna be black
h20nicki3 -
I got 42%
Im fully black sooooo idk why tf i took dis test
Nigga Nogga Nigga
Bro ong i am litteraly black and idek if u r black bc if u were you should know that its a skin color and no quiz should determine if uu r black or not but u better act ur culture if u r black
Woo!! 78% black, I'm now officially licensed to use the N-word with impunity! I'm going to the red lobster to try it out right now! Best day ever!!!
Im 60% black
i know im like 80% so this quiz is super wrong.
hopo73031 -
On gd I'm not 60% black
61% black and i'm white
bruh i got 48% and im actually black
im black asf
monke1 -
am blacj and they gave me 30 percent
AmaNegor1 -
Im 98 percent BLACK!!! Im able to say the Nigga word
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