How Bigger Numanoid Are You

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Who's Gary's Numans Biggest Fan? Take this quick test to find out how big a Numanoid you really are.This writing is required so that i use more words than ive used so please ignore

Are YOU a REAL Numanoid? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz about Gary Numan, in just a few minutes you will find out blah

Created by: nuvoix
  1. What colour was the vinyl on 'Numan/Tubeway Army 1978 Vol 1 Released in 1985
  2. Who played Bass guitar on She's Got Claws?
  3. What year was Strange Charm Toured?
  4. What's the number plate on the car on the video 'I Die You Die'
  5. Was you a ever a member of the Gary Numan Fan Club?
  6. How Many Of the Following do you own? Splinter CD, Splinter LP, JPN Splinter CD, Splinter Hoody, Splinter silk scarf?
  7. When did you last listen to Outland?
  8. The Lyrics 'Boys with their ambition The sparkle dies down I could believe in such things' Are from what song?
  9. How many Gary Numan gigs you been to?
  10. Have you ever waited after a gig, gone to an airshow or paid VIP for meet and greet to meet Gary Numan
  11. Would you buy another compilation album from the years 1979 - 1983 if a new one was released tomorrow?

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Quiz topic: How Bigger Numanoid am I