How big of a Narniac are you

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There is a lot of talke about Narnia but not a lot of talke about the books it self let's see if you know the books as well as you know your movies .

Are you a great NArniac that knows all the nArniac names and can say ooh that's from Narnia? Well take this quiz and see if you are a Narniac Braniac !

Created by: Rebecca of Crafters Place
(your link here more info)
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Who is C.S Lewis
  2. Name the king and queens of narnia
  3. How many books are there ?
  4. how old were the Pevinensie Children in the second book ( The Lion ,the Wich and the Wardrobe )
  5. Who could see Aslan when the others couldn't
  6. What is the wardrobe made of
  7. The first time Lucy went through the wardrobe to Narnia she met a mouse named Tumnus .....Oh come now don't be silly
  8. My name begins with R and Iam a mouse ?
  9. Does Diggory come forth in any other books ?
  10. What is shastas real name

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Quiz topic: How big of a Narniac am I