How big of a MLP: FIM fan are you?

I honestly just wanted to see how much people knew about MLP. Girl or boy, adult or kid, I just wanted to test your knowledge about this show. I hope you enjoy!

No for real, are YOU a true MLP fan? Are you!? Well, what are you waiting for? Come find out now! Even if you're not a fan, just see how good your score may turn out.

Created by: MidnightMare247

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. When Twilight Sparkle moves to Ponyville, she meets Rainbow dash, Pinkie pie, Rarity, Applejack and Fluttershy. Who does she encounter first?
  2. What is Pinkie pie's sister's name?
  3. A princess/queen marries Twilight's brother. Who is that princess/queen?
  4. Which two villains were transformed from evil to good?
  5. Which team did Rainbow dash want to join?
  6. Which pony has the ability to produce a Sonic Rainboom?
  7. Fluttershy tried reforming Discord by showing kindess towards him. What episode is this called?
  8. Pinkie pie encountered another party pony just like her. What was his/her name?
  9. Name all the members of the cutie mark crusaders.
  10. Which two ponies were MAIN ENEMIES with TWILIGHT SPARKLE?

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Quiz topic: How big of a MLP: FIM fan am I?