how beautiful are you without make up?

want to know how beautiful you are without make up? take this quiz to find out! my opinion so if you're not confidant dont take this, but other wise enjoy!

100 percent accurate! and i hope you will enjoy it, this is just one quiz so if you don't get 100 here its okay, you can be 100 in someone else's quiz, have fun!

Created by: xxx
  1. what color is your hair?
  2. your hair is usually:
  3. eye color?
  4. your eyelashes are long
  5. your face is:
  6. you are:
  7. your lips?
  8. your skin is:
  9. your legs are
  10. how big do u think your eyes are?
  11. how pretty do u think you are

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Quiz topic: How beautiful am I without make up?
