How beautiful ARE YOU? (HONEST RESULTS) | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How beautiful ARE YOU? (HONEST RESULTS).
Wowzers! You are BEAUTIFUL! You don't have to worry about outer beauty because you have that covered! You don't need some weird face surgery to make you pretty! You have NATURAL beauty! Some people think that beautiful people are mean but that's not true!
Your Result: 5 out of 10 77%
Not too shabby! Sure, you aren't the prettiest girl on the block but no one would ever DARE to call you ugly! You have the perfect balance of outer beauty and inner beauty! Good for you!
10/10. DANCE PARTY! even though i always thought myself ugly and worthless, i got 10/10! and i thought average firuge was bad. all this stuff about nerds can't do anything is junk. i am a nerd and i am popular at same time. so haha on you eople who think thats nerds can't do anything at all not even play,, you are wrong and mean too. NERDS UNITE!
puppals11 -
8/10 thanks! and also thanks for being the only quiz I've found on here so far that hasn't made you automatically 100% gorgeous if you put in anorexic/too skinny. That annoys me lol :P
I just retook quiz to see what 1/10 was, and even then it was still nice. It isn't shallow, it gives a true message. She said honest results. Deal with it if you think otherwise.
I don't care if I got 9/10.
You are shallow.Take my Stereotypical beauty quiz. Makes you feel GOOD about yourself.
I don't really think it is that accurate but it was still a good quiz. Good confidence boost for me though.
eve12411 -
oh yes, I feel great about myself, thanks, jk, It's probably because my hair color is hard to place along with my height and figure.
1/10 this really hurt my feelings. I rated 0/10 stars
Br0wnies1 -
9/10!!! This is certainly a self esteem lifter! Good job!
10/10. I needed to hear that, but I doubt that I'm that special-looking.
7/10? Doubt it but good boost. Thanks for helping me and future quiz takers.
5/10. Doesn't make me feel better but yea. I guess I can agree.
EPicz1 -
Kay. Didn't think I'll score higher anyway. :3
BTRfreak1 -
10/10? No way!!! Oh well that made me smile for a second though! =)
10/10! I thought I would get 3-4!
I got 5/10! It kinda hurts but o well i'm glad I didn't get 1/10.
Kat -
I'm average:P thanks,you made my self estem go up:)
rvelez1 -
6/10 i really was expecting a 2... but thanks!!(:
well, i guess so!
:> -
4/10 i don't think i'm that ugly...
10/10??? really??? im not so sure....
luver61 -
10/10??? really??? im not so sure....
luver61 -
5/10 :\
_Starr171 -
- 1