How BaSic Are You ?

this is a how basic r u quiz. you just select ur answers and it will tell u how much u are of each of these: not like the other girls, the definition of basic, normal, and a complete liar.

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Created by: hahahaha
  1. what color is ur hair ?
  2. favorite social media ?
  3. what r ur top 3 favorite brands ?
  4. when were u born ?
  5. what does ur lunchbox look like
  6. whats ur favorite music genre ?
  7. how much time do you spend on your phone a day ?
  8. what is ur favorite season ?
  9. what is ur favorite color ?
  10. whats ur favorite drink ?
  11. which is ur favorite movie out of these ?
  12. who is ur idol ?
  13. favorite never have i ever couple ?
  14. what is ur zodiac sign
  15. dogs or cats ?

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Quiz topic: How BaSic am I ?
