HOW BASIC ARE YOU *2021 male/masc edition*

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Welcome to the male/masc version of the "How basic are you" quiz. Yes, boys can be basic too. This is a 15 question true or false test, please answer honestly.

Disclaimer: Don't feel as if this score defines you. This is a test for fun and not a bragging tool. Enjoy the quiz and comment your results! I would love to see it!

Created by: Mary
  1. True or False: I identify as part of "The Boys"
  2. True or False: I play lacrosse
  3. True or False: I have worn a "Virginity Rocks" t-shirt
  4. True or False: I have punched a hole in my bedroom wall
  5. True or False: I have an American flag in my bedroom
  6. True or False: I want a PS5
  7. True or False: My crush/girlfriend is basic
  8. True or False: I have worn a sports jersey over a hoodie before
  9. True or False: I think people in alternative subcultures are "social rejects"
  10. True or False: I like building PCs/electronics because it's "manly"
  11. True or False: I want to date a "gamer girl"
  12. True or False: I believe in "Bros before Hoes"
  13. True or False: I use 3-in-one products in the shower
  14. True or False: I stay away from ANYTHING feminine
  15. True or False: I think only girls can be basic

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Quiz topic: HOW BASIC am I *2021 male/masc edition*
