How badly do you get hehe's?

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If you don't know what a hehe is, you can probably guess. This quiz is mainly to make people laugh, but honestly, if you score Ryan or Never, that could be a problem.

So yeah, have fun tell me your result and I now have nothing else to say but need more characters so have fun hehehehehehehehehehehheheeehehhehehehehhehheheheheheheheheheheheheheh

Created by: Melody
  1. Do young children make you feel things?
  2. How often do you watch anime?
  3. How do toes make you feel?
  4. Is Michael Jackson your idol?
  5. Are you ok?
  6. Does pain make you feel..things?
  7. What gives you dongles?
  8. What's the best to watch?
  9. Have I run out of questions?
  10. BUBYE

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Quiz topic: How badly do I get hehe's?
