How Badass Are You?

Everybody wants to be a bad ass. Not many qualify to be one. There are many goody goodies in the world, and maybe too many. We need some bad asses. This quiz will help you find out if you are a bad ass.

Besides, there are too many nerds and geeks taking over the world. We need some drama! SO, are YOU a bad ass? Depend on who pisses you off. Right? Well, we'll see about that. Take this quiz and see if you qualify to be a bad ass.

Created by: Brooklynn
  1. How many fights have you been in?
  2. Have you argued with a teacher before? If so,how many?
  3. How many guys have you 'Hooked up' with?
  4. How many kids have you beat up?
  5. How many times have you slapped someone?
  6. We are getting to the end. are you happy about that?
  7. What color is your hair?
  8. Your eye color?
  9. Your eye color?
  10. Personality?

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Quiz topic: How Badass am I?