How bad ass are you

Being a badass is hard its like moving to a forgiven country and you can't speak there language it's hard out there but if you pass this test you'll have a chance out thare I'm not promising any thing So if your thinking about being a badass take this test if you have the balls

Are you a badass do you have what it takes do you think you could win a fist fight or a race then take this test if you want to be a badass but fail study up and try again

Created by: Evan
  1. An explosion happens, what do you do?
  2. What is your proper attire.
  3. What do you drive
  4. How many tattoos do you have
  5. What kind of dog does a badass have
  6. A bar brawl breaks out - What do you do
  7. You see a little old lady crossing the street - What do you do
  8. You see a hot girl - what do you say to her
  9. What is a badasses favorite food
  10. What is a badasses favorite thing to do
  11. What is a badasses favorite thing to do

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Quiz topic: How bad ass am I