how bad are you?

aint many people bad i was just playin. some people need to cool it though im not one hundred percent bad and it is nmy test although i do know some people who scored over two hundred though i dont know how that is possible

ha i bet you was gettin tired of that test hopefully you finish reading this so you can be as bored as i am typing 150 letters sothat i can finish this i really dont feel like doing all this so im just typing watever

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When Will I Die Test
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you get suspended every time you go back to school?
  2. do you get into fights for no reason?
  3. Do you talk about your teachers in front of them?
  4. have you ever socked a teacher?
  5. do you cuss out your parents?
  6. what do you do when you get in trouble?
  7. do you steal?
  8. would you fight someone over a pen?
  9. do you fight your friends?
  10. how many times do you ditch school/

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Quiz topic: How bad am I?