How Azi Are You?

Azi. He's just Azi. Many don't know about this elusive creature. Yet many don't know that they are just like him. Many people should know wether or not they are like him or not.

But are you like Azi?? Or are you the one and only Azi??????????? Probably not, unless you are then good for you Azi. So if you are not Azi and you want to know if you are, then take this quiz to find out.

Created by: Johny Rockets
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Are you or have you ever been in after school care?
  2. Do you own a red/black jacket?
  3. Which super hero do you like more?
  4. Agario is
  5. You're walking down the sidewalk at night. As you keep walking you notice the route you usually take to get home is blocked for construction. So instead you decide to go through a dark alley as a shortcut. As you stroll through the alley, suddenly green smoke blasts you in the face from all angles. As you try to understand what just happened, you notice that there is something in front of you. You squint your eyes to try to decipher what it could be. Then you realize. Sitting there is........... a milkshake. Do you pick it up?
  6. Now pick a number
  7. Pick a color
  8. Can you whip your hair back and forth?
  9. Imagine you have a baby boy. What do you name it?
  10. Now pick a group of random letters to decide your fate

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Quiz topic: How Azi am I?