how awsome are you?

There is a good time to get back to you soon as possible and I will be able to get back with you and the best regards to your website and the rest of my life back

I am looking for the first time in my life is good and the other day I have been working with the following need to get back to the right direction and a couple of the individual named recipient

Created by: miguel
  1. Do you like school?
  2. Do you have your pacifier from when you where a baby?
  3. Do you have sunglasses?
  4. Do you have a crush on a girl\boy
  5. Do you like homework?
  6. Hi this is a trick question! Who is your mom?
  7. How are your grades?
  8. Do you have friends?
  9. Are you awesome?
  10. How old are you?

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Quiz topic: How awsome am I?