How Awexome are you?

This Quiz Will Test Your Mind as nerd, your strength as Gamer and your will as an Yeah...I guess, anyways the Answer to question 3 is #6 and #4 is like 17 or something

in other words...its a quiz, what did you expect a freaking novel or something? lets just say I'm not that much of a talker, or typer-er, just take the quiz!!!!!

Created by: wZrd13
  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Someone Challenges you to Combat, Choose your Weapon
  2. Your TV show of Choice?
  3. Midnight Snack, Whada U Make
  4. Whats Your View of Myspace?
  5. Dream Vacation Spot?
  6. I Like Chocolate!!!
  7. How Big is Your Circle of Friends?
  8. Whats Your Music Like
  9. Do You Like This Quiz?
  10. Whats Your Favorite Drink?
  11. Si Htsi eth ltas qtiounes tey?
  12. LAST QUESTION! Whats The Meening of Life?

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Quiz topic: How Awexome am I?