How Awesome Are You?

There are many awesome people, but few are TRULY awesome in every sense of the word. Awesome is, afterall, something everyone wants to be. What is awesome? Awesome is someone who kicks ass and doesn't even BOTHER taking names. Awesome is nearly unattainable. Yet somehow, use as an adjective, it's abused to hell and it's lost it's TRUE meaning. The same way people overuse/abuse the terms "miracle" and "unconstitutional".

Are you AWESOME? Do you find yourself wondering how you got to be so awesome? Until now, you could only wonder. But now, thanks to this f---ing amazing quiz, you can find out! (Claims not evaluated by the FDA)

Created by: Brian

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you pick your nose?
  2. Do you fart in public?
  3. If you could be any one of these things or people, what would you pick?
  4. Microwave, or stove?
  5. What does Christmas mean to you?
  6. A train is heading east from LA toward New York at 84 MPH. A different train is headed west from NY to LA at 92 MPH. What color shirt should I wear next Saturday?
  7. How many fingers am I holding up?
  8. Who would win in a fight? A bear or a lion?
  9. If you could go anywhere, where would you go?
  10. Why did I bother trying to make this thing?

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Quiz topic: How Awesome am I?