How awesome are you?

just got an email adress, (Not disclosing it here) and now I'm making a quiz! This quiz is about being yourself and you'll be ass awesome as you can be.HHhjjho1zzzzzzzzzzzzzz32hjop2jooep24njpx2rnjp2ijpn4ijpr4xinprx4inprx2injrx2ipr4i

This is my first quiz, so please don't be too hard on me. I just got an email adress, (Not disclosing it here) and now I'm making a quiz! This quiz is about being yourself and you'll be ass awesome as you can behhqhjqjhqjqjeqjheqjjqeqjqjqewjqejkeqjeqwjeqhwj

Created by: KenshinHimura
  1. How often do you were sunglasses/leather jackets?
  2. How often do you flash people?
  3. How often do you tell you're mom "No"?
  4. How often do you go to parties?
  5. Do you smoke?
  6. Do you drink?
  7. This is too many questions limit
  8. I want less questions
  9. Warning: This quiz is highly personal of my beliefs, please dont be offended
  10. Bye

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I?

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