How awesome are you?

Awesome people are people that others are jelous of. They like excitment in their life along with adventure. They don't like school work and they love being with people.

Are you awesome? Are you just wanting to make sure? Well just take this quiz to find out! You never know you could surprise yourself. If you want to find out go ahead.

Created by: Babe123

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What would you prefur to be?
  2. What animal would you want to be?
  3. What would you prefur to eat?
  4. What kind of person are you?
  5. What would you rather do on your weekend?
  6. I want a pet...
  7. I'm taking this quiz because...
  8. What do you think describes you best?
  9. Someone is taking a picture of you, what do you do?
  10. What is your favourite subject?

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Quiz topic: How awesome am I?