How attractive are you? Girls only

Okay, so in this quiz you will learn how attractive you are. (Girls only!!) Remember, it's personality that counts and if you don't like your result it's just a quiz. :)

UGjghfbujuihkfn frhjehwqbjKJBRUJgjhjjhf5uirkfhurkhfuytkeiuehqaugrYUOGFOUguyHKoagfyurgh8rohio8iyijio5tuirodlfghjuytfghnjukiu7y6tgbhnjuHsdhukythitughYUIKJFHOiuthjbghjkqwertyuioplk

Created by: LouiseTheo
  1. What is your weight?
  2. Pick a clothing item. Part 1
  3. Pick a clothing item. Part 2
  4. How much plastic surgery have you had?
  5. What color are your eyes?
  6. What color is your hair?
  7. What color is your skin?
  8. Eye shape?
  9. You see some people that are bad in different ways. Who do you give punishment to?
  10. What is your figure like?
  11. What is your height?
  12. Pick a clothing item. Part 3
  13. Choose:
  14. If a random man tells you to smile, what do you do?
  15. Bye people.

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Quiz topic: How attractive am I? Girls only

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