How are you feeling today?

this is a quiz just for fun that bases your result off of the answers it will tell you if you are mad sad or Happy if this is accurate please tell others

I can't wait for you to try this new and improved quiz just for fun no need to be accurate so have fun and tell others if you enjoyed this fun little quiz.

Created by: Menchie Freckles
  1. if it was raining on your birthday what would you do?
  2. you are going to go hiking how does this make you feel?
  3. your dog has puppies
  4. how are you feeling today
  5. what is the color you feeling?
  6. I want to SING !!!!!!
  7. I want to sit down and cry into a pillow
  8. we are coming to the end
  9. al most there
  10. last one

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Quiz topic: How am I feeling today?
