How annoying are you on Facebook?

This is a quiz about the silly things people get annoyed about on Facebook. The lesson is, "Don't take Facebook too seriously! It's just a laugh!" Much like this quiz.

Are YOU annoying on Facebook? Some might think you are, you may not. This is your chance to find out in the most definitive quiz of them all! So put down your iPhone and stop taking pics of random things no one cares about and find out!

Created by: amazon

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Do you feel a curious desire to update your status with what day of the week of it is, for example, "Yay! It's Tuesday!"
  2. Do you use abbreviations and acronyms tirelessly when you could just easily type an actual word?
  3. Do you use Bitstrips which are neither funny nor clever with captions that are not even worthy of a monkey that has access to a Tablet?
  4. Do you quite often update your photo with "selfies" taken on your phone in the mirror where people can actually SEE the phone in the reflection?
  5. Do you post pictures of food you have eaten or are about to eat?
  6. Do you post "inspirational" pictures declaring love for spouse/parents/siblings/partners etc. encouraging other Facebookers to "share" if they like and agree?
  7. Do you use you iPhone/Smartphone to take a picture of almost EVERYTHING you see and post it? In example, "Look! A funny pub name with the word "Cock" in it! That's a keeper!"?
  8. Do you use emoticons in the extreme?
  9. If you post a comment and someone disagrees with it but argues their point in a rational, sensible way, do you:
  10. Do you answer annoying quizzes like this just because you are so-oh-ho-bored! and it's a handy distraction from work?

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Quiz topic: How annoying am I on Facebook?