How Annoying Are You?

Everyone knows that ONE annoying person in a group. Wether they tagged along with a friend of a friend, or you're related to them somehow, EVERYONE knows an annoying person. Come on now, you know you do! Or are you that person? haha!

Take the quiz, and find out what category you or a friend fall under. All of these situations are REAL and mostly everyone has experienced it at least once in their lifetime. Do it, you know you want to.

Created by: AReal

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. If someone doesn't answer their phone the first time you call, you...
  2. Your at a store, theres a LONG line, and you brought 5 seperate items to the check-out counter that didn't have price scans on them, you...
  3. You get a fwded text message, you...
  4. When drunk, you...
  5. You hit up a club with a friend, you...
  6. You invite a friend to go grab a bite to eat, you...
  7. Your sitting at a table at a strip club with your friends, you...
  8. Your having a conversation with a person that seems to be preoccupied, you...
  9. When you go to people's houses, you...
  10. You lost some weight, you...

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Quiz topic: How Annoying am I?