How American are you?

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Look, I don’t intend this quiz to be 100% accurate. Everyone makes mistakes! But if I do, please let me know in the comments. I want to improve this quiz, but I’ll need your help. And I hope that you will enjoy, because it took me forever to make this quiz happen.

Also, don’t forget that another reason that I asked you to comment is so I can understand how good or bad my quizzes are. Don’t tell me anything but the truth. Have fun.

  1. Have you read the paragraphs above? If you haven’t, read them now! Alright, do you like ketchup?
  2. How much peanut butter do you put on your bread in the morning? (Skip this question if you don’t eat bread in the morning)
  3. Remember, food is only part one of this quiz! Alright, back to the questions. Do you like… CHICKEN WINGS?
  4. Do you go go to McDonald a lot? If so, click on why you go there a lot.
  5. Let’s start Part Two: About You! Are you a real American?
  6. What is your hair colour? (I know that you might think this question is just filler, but in truth it’s not; I did research.)
  7. Eye colour? (Note: These boring aesthetic questions are going to end soon, I swear!)
  8. Now, let’s move on to part three: simple questions! Some of these aren’t very clever, but part three only has two questions! Are you human?
  9. And now (yes, this is a slightly weird question) are you a teen?
  10. And finally, let’s start part four: American traits, values and beliefs! Do you like history?
  11. Time is money. You only get so much time in this life; you'd better use it wisely. Do you agree?
  12. People can/should control nature, their own environment and destiny. The future is not left to fate.
  13. Change is seen as positive and good. This means progress, improvement and growth.
  14. People have equal opportunities; people are important as individuals, for who they are, not from which family they come.
  15. People are seen as separate individuals (not group members) with individual needs. People need time to be alone and to be themselves.
  16. One can only trust people who "look you in the eye" and "tell it like it is". Truth is a function of reality not of circumstance.
  17. Practicality is usually the most important consideration when decisions are to be made.
  18. Material goods are seen as the just rewards of hard-work, the evidence of "God's favor."

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Quiz topic: How American am I?
