How Alike Are We?

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This is just a boring quiz to ask if you're like me. If you're curious to know if we're alike, you can take this quiz. I warn you it's rather pointless, though...

Take this random quiz that I made off the top of my head to see how similar (or different) we are. All for fun, as I don't really wonder how alike I am to someone else.

Created by: HoneyBunny17
  1. Do you like spider memes?
  2. Do you like videogames?
  3. What is your favorite color?
  4. How do you eat your pizza?
  5. Fiction or Reality?
  6. Squids, Octopuses, or Cuttlefish?
  7. Cat breed?
  8. Some of da fishies or ALL da fishies?
  9. Sephiroth, yes or no?
  10. This quiz was weird, no?

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