How alike are we?

I don’t really want to fill these paragraphs out. So I will just put a bunch of stuff to fill them in! DJehcuhcdychrychcheycgyecgyecgeycgeycgeycgyfgychec)cjehcjhjhcuehcuecbeyhcydgeydheydheydgyedgyegdh


Created by: Tyler
  1. What’s your favorite color?
  2. What is your hair color?
  3. What aesthetic are you?
  4. Do you have a scratch account?
  5. Do you like YouTube?
  6. Do you like making/taking quizzes on this website?
  7. Are you lazy and don’t wanna fill in all 10 questions needed to make a quiz?
  8. Do you like to include the “So, how are you doing?” question
  9. Do you change aesthetics a lot?
  10. How tall are you?

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