How Albanian Are You Quiz

Do your parents make fun of you when you talk Albanian? Do you eat dinner at 9? Find out how Albanian you truly are in this quiz. Albanian are pimps and you have a chance to see how pimpin you really are

Are YOU a true albo? Find out how albo you are in this quiz. You will now find out! Get ready to prove to yourself you are truly an albo. You might even beat your parents. Hell, you might get like money or something.

Created by: David Berishaj

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  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. Is your favorite song an albanian song?
  2. Do you talk albanian good.
  3. Do you eat dinner after nine O clock?
  4. Do you have an albanian friend?
  5. Do you say "cuz" to people.
  6. Are you from Albania?
  7. Do you hate people who say bad things about albanians?
  8. Do you talk english bad?
  9. Do you dance albanian?
  10. Do you tell people your Albanian?
  11. Do you tell your kids to the work that involes tecnology. (example) Can yoo take me to computer and go start the onlinee chat? OR How yoo do the text message?
  12. Have you ever heard about albania?

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Quiz topic: How Albanian am I Quiz