How addicted to harry potter are you

If you love harry potter then this quiz if for you. Go hp go hp go hp are you a true fan well you can find out here my young warrior yep you can you can

I like the floers i like the daffodils i like the other stuff and you know the other stuff thet you like that is all have to say on the matter that is right.

Created by: Alice may
  1. Do you have all the harry potter books?
  2. Do you have all the harry potter films?
  3. How many times have you watched the films?
  4. Did you cry in any of the films?
  5. How many times have you read the books.
  6. Did you cry in any of the books?
  7. Do you have any harry potter merchandise other than the books and films eg wand sweets etc etc?
  8. Do you looooovvvvvvveeeee HARRY POTTER
  9. Have you been to Harry potter world, the making of harry potter etcetc
  10. Did you like this quiz
  11. Will you comment

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Quiz topic: How addicted to harry potter am I