How addicted are you to Zelda B.O.T.W ?

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How you ever wondered how much of an addiction you have for this game? Well if you take this quiz, you can find out how much you know and/or how much you play this game.

(This part is repeated by accident) How you ever wondered how much of an addiction you have for this game? Well if you take this quiz, you can find out how much you know and/or how much you play this game.

Created by: Evelyn of Dino-Game
(your link here more info)
  1. What is Zelda BOTW ( aka: Zelda Breath Of The Wild )
  2. Who are the two main characters in the game?
  3. What is a ruppe?
  4. How many players can play in the game?
  5. What animals are used commonly to travel?
  6. True or False: you can gain hearts in the game?
  7. Is Zelda a girl?
  8. Is Link a girl
  9. What animal is Revali
  10. Can you lose rupees in the game?

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Quiz topic: How addicted am I to Zelda B.O.T.W ?
