How abnormal are you? | Comments
Below are comments submitted by users for the quiz How abnormal are you?
How abnormal are you?
Your Result: Alienjust two words: Your crazy. You are different and unusual in many ways, but don't stop being who you are becase it's good to have a couple weirdos in the world! Just kidding. But seriously, don't change.
Educated Alien
Normaloh ya!!!!!!!!!! i told plp in my class i was an alien! in their faces! i proved them wrong!!!!!
TEEHE E!!!!!!!!!!!
Your quiz results
How abnormal are you?
Your Result: Alien 86%just two words: Your crazy. You are different and unusual in many ways, but don't stop being who you are because it's good to have a couple weirdos in the world! Just kidding. But seriously, don't change.
72% Educated Alien
65% Different
29% Norma -
This is very untrue... Your quiz isn't at all fun.. Actually I just tested this quiz just to check whether this is true or not. Everyone (my friends, families ,relatives and teachers knows I'm a normal person. Everyone treats me like a normal person. And you are giving me false answer. I swear, I'll report this answer. You whoever you are , I'm not scared of you.. You think whatever you want.. I tried every quizez, it gives me right answer that I'm perfectly a normal person.. Your quiz gave me a big false answer... Just think whatever s--- you want to think about me... Stop making people's mood off.... Gtfo.. I'm sorry i'm reporting this and I'm not scared of you.
ummm thats a overreaction... you are weird lol. people who act like that are weird and have anger issues. also if you think you can insult me for replying to this i know im weird.
I knew it, I knew, hahahaha I knew it.
Alienjust two words: Your crazy. You are different and unusual in many ways, but don't stop being who you are becase it's good to have a couple weirdos in the world! Just kidding. But seriously, don't change
Sexxy1 -
Your Result: Different
You are not a total stranger to this planet, however you wouldn't be picked Ms/Mr. Normality. You may want to do your homework and read the book HOW TO BE NORMAL BY S.T.RANGE.
disap pointing.
Nallie2 -
Uh interesting quiz...but my results weren't very accurate. it said I was an alien, and I may be a bit weird, but i'm not even close to being an alien. Still a decent quiz though! :)
the quiz was fun but creator you cant spell for s---, but i wont hold that against you, oh and the results were kind of dumb but other than that it was okay, i give it a B+
Normal person,not true at all as I am quite the mysterious loner type of person along with having some mental health issues that are hard to deal with but whatever.
Zimswife1 -
got normal. huh. thought i would get a different answer cause i like to read so much. i mean in my spare time. and at recess. and when the teacher goes out of the classroom. and, well, you should get the idea.
Ansa893 -
Thanks for you comments, I will use them to make my next quiz to fit your tastes. 'Which Dog breed are you most like?'
Oh, and richfast. You shouldn't advertise your quzzies on the comments of other peoples. Advertise on your own like I am.
GPherd1 -
army isn't the only branch in the military. plus, why the hell did i get alien? this quiz sucked.
Obamadog3 -
Bambi2 -
apparently i’m an alien? i’m not that weird tho
lmao_2 -
Sometimes,I wonder if I'm magical 0.o
Geeeezzz!!!!!!!!!! I never thought that i'm an Alien too. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
I want 100% alien
darien1 -
Wow lol i am "different" that is soo very true! =)
Emo1231 -
Try my quiz
Are you a couch potatoe?richfast1 -
- 1