housecat or warrior

There are many people who read the warriorcat series by erin hunter. Alot even take the time to make an OC. But should you OC be a warrior cat, or housecat.

Are you a housecat or warrior? Do you have the strength to live in the forest, or not? Would you even make it in the forest, or would you be to scared to even look at the trees? This quiz will tell you the fate of your warrior OC.

Created by: abby

Are you ready for...
Our "When Will I Die" Quiz?

  1. What is your age?
  2. What is your gender?
  1. What types of food so you like?
  2. Do you have people waiting on you all the time?
  3. How active are you?
  4. Do you like dogs?
  5. How much do you care about your appearance?
  6. Are you okay with fighting?
  7. How often are you on the internet?
  8. Is you family big or small?
  9. What type of life would you want if you were a cat?
  10. Do you want to be a housecat or a warrior cat?

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