house of anubis superfan quiz

There are many smart people, but few true sibuna fans. sibuna knowledge is, afterall, quite exceptional. What is a true sibuna superfan? A sibuna superfan is someone who has an extraordinary range of sibuna knowledge, is able to solve complex anubis problems, and see the world through a totally anubis point of view.

Are YOU a house of anubis superfan? Do you have the sibuna knowledge to qualify for that prestigious title? Until now you could only wonder. But thanks to this great quiz, in just a few minutes you will find out!

Created by: kezza
  1. who discovered sibuna ?
  2. how does alfie find out about the secrets of anubis house ?
  3. why did Patricia make nina go into the attic in the first place ?
  4. where did ambar find the secret message?
  5. Who does rufus lock in an old warehouse ?
  6. Who is sepposed to "like" Mara ?
  7. what fake name does sarah use ?
  8. What Prank does Jerome and Alfie pull in the cellar ?
  9. Who is the betrayer ?
  10. who is your fav couple

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