Horse Breeds and Colors

There are a lot of smart people out there that are horse crazy and know all about horses. But are you the one who knows all the stuff to know about them!

Now you must face this quiz to be able to know if you are the real horse expert or not. If you are you are perfect. If you aren't you have lost this quiz!!!

Created by: ginger
  1. A buckskin is what color?
  2. What breed is the smallest breed in the world?
  3. What is the most famous male race horse?
  4. What is the fastest breed in the world?
  5. What is a bay?
  6. What is the most famous female race horse?
  7. What is a black horse?
  8. What is a akhal-teke?
  9. What is a ardennais?
  10. What color is a albino?

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