horse and pony quiz

Everybody in the world is smart and and dum but what do you think you are smart or dum it doesn't matter you know everybody is fine the way you are don't be ashamed

You are a genius you have the brainpower of a scientist which is great by the way you are really good nobody is better then your not even the smartist person.xx

Created by: ellie

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  1. What is it called on a horses feet
  2. How do you mesaure a horse and pony
  3. Put in the last word : a spotted horse is called a
  4. What is the most fastest horse in the world
  5. Do horses like repetitiveness
  6. What do you clean a horses hooves with
  7. How many times a day do you have to change the pony's water
  8. What is a baby horse called
  9. How many gallons of water does a horse drink a day
  10. Do horses like pigs

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